Monday, January 30, 2012

Hello 160's! Goodbye 170's.

I really should have painted my toes... Oh well =).
Yesterday was my weekly weigh in. I lost 4 pounds from last weeks weigh in. Hello 160's! I was doing so good on my workouts and calories last week that I knew my weigh in was gonna be good. I didn't know it would be this good! I'm so glad i'm out of my 170's funk. I had been in the 170's for almost 4 months. For some reason I was feeling negative and lazy. I would be like "Aaah I gained this week! I guess I will just eat some more because I'm feeling like crap!" Its weird how I let emotions like that get the best of me when logically I know thinking like that makes no sense.

Looks like my lazy streak is over...

Last weeks exercises.
* I met my goal of 6 days of exercise.
  • Sunday- Gym 65 minute cardio +30 minute weight lifting + 2 mile walk
  • Monday- Bike 12 miles
  • Tuesday- Gym 65 minute cardio +30 minute weight lifting + 2 mile walk
  • Wednesday- Rest from gym + walk 1 mile
  • Thursday- Gym 65 minutes cardio + 30 minute weight lifting + 2 mile walk
  • Friday- Gym 65 minutes cardio + 30 minute weight lifting + 2 mile walk
  • Saturday- Gym 65 minutes cardio + 30 minute weight lifting + 3 mile walk


  1. Okay time for me to get healthy too. I cant have you leaving behind!

    Lol. :)

  2. Your not healthy? Well you look healthy to me!


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