Monday, August 22, 2011

1 Week off of dieting (eek!)

The past week my boyfriend has been on vacation because his sons are staying with us. We went went to the beach a few times. Then later in the week we toured around downtown Seattle all day before the Mariners game. In other words we walked a freaking lot!!

 I had a lot of fun. Even though I did walk a bunch I only went to the gym once that week and didn't count my calories. I guess it's good to take a week off once In a while. I gained 4.4 pounds this week (guess I shouldn't have eaten a whole pound of garlic fries at the baseball game) 

Right now I'm motivated this week to train for the 5k race on Saturday. This morning it was so beautiful outside. Perfect conditions for jogging. Today's workout...
  • 18 minutes of jogging + 1minute walking+10 minutes jogging (to the gym)
  • 35 minutes cardio on the elliptical
  • 30 minutes lower body strength training (3 sets each machine/14 reps each)
  • 2 mile walk home
Tomorrow is  20/1 + 10 min jog with upper body strength training.

Oh yeah when we were at Picnic Point beach we decided to take some after pics to go with the before pics from a couple years ago....


  1. A picture is worth a thousand words. But, here's three - o.m.g.

    Great photos - all of them.

    How far do you think you walk on any given day?

  2. I've gone downhill hard! I stopped counting my sugar grams a little over a week ago, and I'm out of control. It's like I'm telling myself, I've gotta eat as much crap as I can before I restrict myself again. I'm fighting myself. It's so weird. I hate sugar. Grr.

  3. Well I always walk or jog to the gym (usually jog) 2 miles then walk back. So 2-4 miles per day.

    I'm In the same boat Diana. I was doing so good for 7 months and now I'm fighting the urge to overeat again. We just need to remind ourselves the reasons that keep us going.


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