Friday, July 15, 2011

My First Post

It has been 6 1/2 months of calorie counting and exercise. My goal is to lose 100 pounds total in one year. I was 258 and my goal is to be 158. My goal weight is the high end of my BMI. Since I am 5'8'' that is 160.  So far I have lost 53.8 pounds. My currant weight is 204.2 . Over halfway there!

                                            This is before: (Size 22 )

This is now (size 16)


  1. I just read this post to my hubby! We're so proud of you. When's the end of the "year". We'll need to throw a party in your honor when you reach your goal weight (with some shopping involved.)

  2. Thank you! The end of the year will be the beginning of January just before my next birthday. A party would be fun! I haven't seen you in so long. I'm not a hundred percent sure but when I get to my goal I'm going to see if I want to be in the middle of my weight range so I might lose a little more too.


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