I really have not been posting blogs as much as I want to lately. Anyways recently I bought a new Sansa Fuze Mp3 player. This mp3 player came with a disc that makes every song on Rhapsody free to download to it! Since I already have Rapsody this is an amazing deal. Free music for me! I realized that reading a magazine while on the elliptical just wasn't cutting it for my steps per minute (SPM). Now that I have my new snazzy mp3 player along with some new loaded workout playlists, I have been killing it on my workouts! My SPM went from 120 to 160. I didn't realize that I wasn't pushing myself. Now I'm sweating like I have never sweat before! Because of this my weigh in's the past few weeks have been great!
Sunday morning weigh in and inches lost
Yesterday was my usual weigh in and I lost 3 lbs from last week! The week before I lost 4 lbs. I know that it seems like a little too much of a wieght loss but also I just started amping up my workout. My body will adjust and my wieght in's soon will not be as dramatic. I was excited about my inches too! My co-worker recently gave me some size 8 pants that fit and my old size 10's are feeling loose. So I knew that I had lost some. My co-worker also gave me some size 4 and 5 shorts. I might fit them next summer but definitely not this summer!
Starting weight: 258lbs
Currant weight: 151 lbs
Weight lost: 107 lbs
Before Now Lost
Arms: 15'' Arms: 11+1/2'' (-3.5")
Bust: 48'' Bust: 34" (-14")
Waist: 52'' Waist: 36" (-16")
Hips: 51'' Hips: 37" (-14")
Recent eats
I think I have been spending way too much money on tofurky lunch meat lately. Plus the stuff from the store more processed an high in sodium. So I decided to make my own to last the week. I found this vegan hot pastrami recipe from http://twoveganboys.wordpress.com/2012/06/09/hot-pastrami-2/. It turned out so good! This is now my favorite seitan recipe! I made enough for the whole week. In this recipe it has you steam and bake it. I have tried baking and then another time I tried boiling. Both times it turned out a little too chewy. But now I find that steaming and then baking is the perfect method. Though, next time I might do a little less black pepper. When you eat a slice by itself it's a little too peppery. On a sandwich with all the fixings you can't tell it's that spicy. Only 108 calories for 2 slices. Here's how it turned out...
Fresh vegan hot pastrami |
Hot pastrami ciabatta sandwich |